A war time meal believed to have originated during the time of Bappa Rawal – Founder of the kingdom of Mewar.
A traditional Rajasthani dish made from lentils cooked with ginger and tempered with Asafoetida n spices, served with baked wheat balls.
A war time meal believed to have originated during the time of Bappa Rawal – Founder of the kingdom of Mewar.
A traditional Rajasthani dish made from lentils cooked with ginger and tempered with Asafoetida n spices, served with baked wheat balls.
Chole – Chickpeas cooked in tomato n onion gravy with freshly ground spices.
Kulché – Mildly leavened Indian flat bread flavoured with Nigella Seeds (Kaulounji).
Grilled chicken, julienne of onions, tomatoes tossed in spices; rolled in paratha made from whole wheat flour.